Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Out of Pietermaritzburg - A Monkey Tale


                                                                                                November 2013

My South African residence, five kilometres from downtown Pietermaritzburg, is located in a suburb that is bordered on three sides by hills covered with plantations of wattle, some veld, and indigenous trees and shrubs. My townhouse is on a hill and used to command a lovely view of the town, but trees now obscure that view. Below my townhouse there is an open patch of natural bush with a small stream meandering along the bottom of the hill. This acre or so is cared for by the part time gardener, Sipho, who is responsible for the townhouse complex gardens. The grass is kept short and the open field is interspersed with indigenous trees and shrubs. An occasional antelope has been spotted grazing in the open space. Altogether it has a lovely rural appearance. 
For me, another benefit of this location is that it is shared with vervet monkeys, although many other residents consider this a curse. Regrettably, a burgeoning human population has resulted in a need for housing, and the space this requires has resulted in a diminishing habitat for wildlife.  So what’s a monkey to do? The monkeys move around in troops, the number of monkeys per troop varying from three or four to about fifteen.  A group will occasionally visit the townhouse complex and play on the lawns.  Watching a family of monkeys comprising babies, toddlers, older children, and adults, frolicking on the grass, swinging on the trees, playing catch, or grooming each other, is wonderful entertainment.
Unfortunately these creatures can be destructive,  and residents cultivating edible plants complain bitterly. This is when there is a war between humans and monkeys. Monkeys are unable to shop for food at supermarkets, therefore it is a vain hope to expect a vegetable garden not to be raided by monkeys.
Monkeys have now been around long enough to realise that an open door or window leads to many good things stored in kitchens. They know exactly where sugar, bread, fruit, and other delicacies are stored. A monkey can outsmart a human. Mostly residents have learnt to keep doors and windows closed when monkeys are prowling the area. Burglar guards or security gates are not designed to keep out a determined monkey. One can tell when they are around by the sound of them jumping onto carport roofs, a rustling of leaves in trees, or the chattering of an obstreperous male monkey. However, when a house is unoccupied it is usually securely locked up as a precaution against burglars. On occasion a solitary monkey will sneak into the garden and if one is concentrating on a task or reading a book, the monkey will sneak into the house, and the next thing one is surprised by a monkey leaping onto a chair back or table, or simply sitting in the open doorway, taking stock of the situation. A sharp clap of the hands will ensure that the monkey turns tail and rushes outdoors again, sometimes clutching a banana or apple or whatever first caught his eye. One neighbor had her remote control for the security gate grabbed, and another had a perfume bottle taken. Both items were eventually retrieved from the rooftop.
The antics of the monkeys are well known to my American husband, Stephen. On one occasion he did not close a door while doing the four- minute walk to the mailbox at the entrance to the complex. On his return a monkey was on the roof gnawing away at a butternut squash that had been in a basket on a kitchen counter.
On another occasion, Pietermaritzburg was experiencing a beautiful sunny day, after weeks of dull skies, rain, and low temperatures. It was November, and it was supposed to be summertime in Africa, after all. So of course Stephen opened the French doors from the lounge, as well as the door from the third bedroom, to the patio, to let in warm fresh air. All interior doors as well as the windows in the first bedroom were open.
Stephen was sitting on the patio reading and I was at the dining room table doing emails on my laptop. I looked up and there was a monkey strolling from the patio into the lounge. Surprised, I said “Hello, what are you doing here?” and in a louder voice I called for Stephen only to find him answering from outside the front door, which was also now open. As I turned to look at him, I spotted down the passage, a monkey loping from the second bedroom into the main bedroom. Just then Stephen put in an appearance at the junction of the hallway and the passage and was about to go towards the main bedroom. I suggested he wait while I dashed to the patio to determine which bedroom windows were open; just as well, because I discovered that the main bedroom windows were closed. I warned Stephen not to go down the passage as there would be no escape route for the monkey from that bedroom, and there was no way of knowing how the trapped monkey would react.
Heading back to the dining room table I noticed a monkey on the kitchen counter grab something and disappear into the garage. Looking into the garage I saw the monkey on my car, busy removing the remains of my raisin bread from its wrapping and then making a dash for the patio, via the third bedroom, his entry route. By now the monkey in the main bedroom had returned to the other bedroom and Stephen shooed it out the window. Stephen was running from room to room, closing doors and windows, to prevent these hungry and inquisitive animals from gaining entry. The kitchen window was the last to be closed, just after a monkey had made a grab for the bread bin contents.
Fortunately, there was no mess or damage, but another lesson on being alert to the dangers of open windows and the possibility of fur-covered intruders, was learnt, but not heeded!
A few days later we both had appointments in town. The house was carefully locked up and the burglar alarm set prior to our departure.  On our return three hours later, Stephen opened the garage door for me, and then entered by the front door while I parked the car. I heard him exclaim loudly and as he opened the door leading from the kitchen to the garage, he said “The monkeys have been in the house!” “How did they get in?” I asked? A most unwelcome mess in the kitchen confronted me. The mess extended into the lounge, down the passage, and into the second bedroom, where a window had been left partially open.  The presence of the monkeys had not been detected by the alarm sensors, because when I had the alarm installed I had opted for the feature that did not detect small animals, because I owned pets at that time.
The big cleanup then commenced. The counter tops and the floors, both tiled and carpeted, were covered in sugar, as well as powdered milk, and half-eaten fruit. I had left a packet of full cream powdered milk, previously opened and clipped closed, on the counter. I had no idea how sticky and all-pervasive this milk powder could be when scattered over furniture and carpets. They had also emptied out the bag containing the kitchen trash, scattering its contents comprising eggshells, vegetable peelings, used teabags and assorted leftovers.
Every kitchen countertop had to be washed, as well as the furniture where grubby monkey paws had clambered. The carpets were vacuumed and floor tiles washed.  The cleanup continued in the bedroom where they had examined the items on the dresser, and spilt more powdered milk. I had heard neighbours complain about cleaning up after monkeys, but this was the first time in eighteen years of living in Forest Lodge that I had become a victim.  I did not check the time, but I guess it took us about 2 hours to clean up. By that time Stephen was so disillusioned he said he was ready to leave for the USA. I commented that South Africans usually left the county because of the crime, and here he was ready to leave because of the monkeys. I have always maintained that humans can be thankful that monkeys have not yet learnt to use guns.
After his third visit to South Africa, Stephen has finally comprehended that vervet monkeys are really capable of getting up to monkey business and that they are smart – so smart that they can outsmart a PhD and a pharmacist.


A Not-so-Shaggy Dog Tale


This essay was written in February 2014 and my beloved Bailey passed away in November 2017.

Bailey is my beloved Irish terrier. She was a rescue dog who belonged to Glen, who resided in Peachtree City in a house opposite to the one where my daughter Dee and family lived. When Glen decided to move to Uruguay in 2006 he was not able to take Bailey with him. Dee’s neighbour, Elaina, who already owned a dog, agreed to take Bailey in. A month later Elaina told Dee that Bailey was “not fitting in with the household”. Dee immediately agreed to adopt Bailey. Dee and the family had immigrated to the USA in October 2005 and I was looking after the pets. A few months  thereafter  I arranged for their two dachshunds, Daisy and Freddie to be transported from South Africa to Peachtree City. The cats “emigrated” several months after the doggies’ departure. When I first saw the pictures of Bailey that Dee sent me, I immediately fell in love with her. She was my kind of dog.

Bailey is a very loving friendly dog and very obedient. She can be relied upon to come when called, and she definitely cannot be regarded as a “barker”, unlike the dachshunds, who can wake the dead when anyone arrives at the house. They will perform until they have been petted and a fuss has been made. Bailey will also jump and expect to be petted, but without the vocal accompaniment.

While out for a walk Bailey is a sociable dog. She is friendly, but aloof. She does not mind doing some sniffing of other dogs, but is reluctant to be sniffed in return. She has never been an aggressive dog.

When Stephen and I moved into a condo in Atlanta in 2012, I asked Dee if I could take Bailey to Atlanta “on approval”.  I had no idea how she would take to living in the city and having to be “walked’. The condo is very pet friendly and our unit, being on the first floor, is conveniently located immediately next to the steps that serve as the pet exit. Pets are not allowed to use the lobby, unless they are carried.

In Atlanta, and in the condo grounds, pets have to be on leashes and “pet stations” with bins and rolls of small plastic bags for cleaning up after pets are strategically placed in our neighbourhood.

Well, Bailey took to condo living as though she was born to it. We have established a routine for going out and if she needs to go out at any other time she will come and put her paw om my lap until I get the message and take her outside. We have an understanding.

If we have left her on her own for a few hours, Stephen tries to “test” her ability as a watchdog. He will very quietly and slowly unlock the door and see if he can catch her unawares. No matter how often I tell Stephen that she knows it is us and that she will not come and attack us, he still likes to play the game.

 Bailey will sometimes bark or growl and then after investigation I will find that a parcel has been left at the door by a postman.   If there is a knock at the door and we open it to a stranger Bailey will bark and perform until we tell her it is OK.

At times when I have taken her for a walk she will see someone in the distance and she will stop and stare and not move. I have then thought that perhaps she thinks it is Stephen coming to join us, but then after a pull on the lead she will continue with the walk.

Now I come to the point of my story. Yesterday Stephen and I took her for a walk along the Beltline. It is a paved path in park-like surroundings.  The path follows a creek for some of its length.  As we were walking along, with Bailey doing her usual stopping and sniffing, she suddenly halted and stared behind her. In the distance I saw a youngish man with long hair and a beard walking next to the creek in our direction. Bailey would not budge when I said “Come along, let’s go”. I thought that perhaps she had decided that she had had enough of walking and wanted to return home. She had done that often enough in the past. Stephen also called her and told me to pull on the lead.  But Bailey pulled in the opposite direction and kept staring at the scruffy man. As he got closer she started growling and then barking.  By then he was close and said to me “Your dog doesn’t like me” and I replied “She certainly does not”. He continued past us and went to sit on some rocks next to the creek. Bailey then continued walking with us without further ado.

This is the not the first time Bailey had displayed this type of behaviour.  Once before, while walking past some businesses on a busy road, after having been to a local pharmacy, Bailey also came to a stop,  and  stared with a warning look.  The approaching, disreputable, pedestrian did a left turn into an alley, and we continued on our way. I believe that on both occasions Bailey smelled or sensed something that she was concerned and  unhappy about, and was giving a warning.  Had other dogs displayed this behavior towards these persons before?  Particularly in the case of the one who made the remark that my dog did not like him?  I wonder what Bailey would have done had she not been on a lead.

The rest of the walks thereafter were normal and both these strange men were not seen again What do you think?

Did Bailey have a sixth sense?